Saturday, September 1, 2007

9.1.07 Sleep

Not wanting to do anything today.

Satisfies theme challenges:
# Lying down
# From above
The giant thing on my thumb is a bandage made from a paper towel and packing tape. Cut myself last night slicing tomatoes.
What I like about this image: I like the fact that it's obvious I am the subject of the photo even though I'm not framed in the middle.
What I don't like about this image: There was way too much noise in the original, which I had to blur out. This caused the image to appear way too washed out. I tried to compensate by burning the shadows, but to no avail. Still learning this camera.


kimbomac said...

Interesting composition and viewpoint, although perhaps a bit more contrast would give it more punch.

What on earth have you done to your thumb? Hope it's well soon.

Victorya said...

bandaged thumb at 6 o'clock! tee-hee.

Actually, it generates interest. Me likey.

Lauren said...

Ooooo cool shot! looks good in B/W :)

Sandra Evans said...

great start, good luck - gymp93

Anonymous said...

hope it wasn't as bad a cut as it looked. cool shot