Since the powers that be at Worth have decided to ban me for something that I didn't do, I am no longer in the 30 day photo challenge. Thank you to the person who helped facilitate my banning.
Just to show that you can't keep me down. I've decided to continue.
Aw, rev, I'm so sorry! :( Can you appeal?
I attempted to do so. IQ made it clear that I am no longer welcome at worth.
I'll email you at your email addy here with information on how to stay in touch. I need that right now.
I came to see what your pic for today was...and I see this. I'm so bummed. I know ya didn't even really know me but I'll miss ya. That totally sucks.
If you want to keep in touch, ask Rhiannonsmommy how to do it. She'll know how.
I feel like I lost my best friend. It's not going to be the same without you. Now who do I tease?
rev - you have my info. please keep in touch! you can also catch me on msn if you have it. my user name
:(:( My email is my user name
/me hugs rev
Bummer. Sorry to hear that and I do hope this doesn't affect you too much. It's just a website - don't let it affect your life.
Just to let you know I was so very much enjoying your work. You know you can always get hold of me through my Smuggie site...
You folks are making me smile and cry today. I'm sad and happy at the same time. I'm still hoping that the powers that be at worth realize that I didn't do the things that caused this to happen.
Rev, I'm so incredibly sad for you. I was crying when I found out.
I know for a fact you didn't do the things they thought you did, and it's terrible and sad that it had to end this way.
I know you are going through a horrible time already without this to happen, and I know we're the only friends you have, really, so please know that we will STAY friends and not forget you.
Please hang on. Don't give up.
crap. I missed something. What happened?
This is a great shot. Hope you didn't get your camera wet. Love the flow of water from your face. Cool.
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